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  • Obligations

    Obligations Aside

    Someone asked me the other day “to put my obligations aside for a moment”, before I made a business decision. You know, it really made a difference.

    I was amazed at how much my self imposed “shoulds” came into play. With all of my study, positive thinking and experience – there they were.

    They are things and people that I have made myself responsible for, or is it obligated?
    It was an interesting exercise to set the obligations aside, go over the possibilities without them and then to re-insert them and see what fits. I automatically became more creative, more open and more excited about what could work – new possibilities.

    So todays thought is to review where we all are holding back because we are obligated and then to ponder if this is a real responsibility or one we just assumed was there.

    I always seemed to struggle with the difference between responsibility and obligation. What sticks with me the most realistically is that responsibility is a duty that you want, or even feel you have an opportunity, to do or be. Obligation is something someone or something else wants you to do or be – not your exact choice.

    One is something you would choose, the other is something that is chosen for you.

    Ponder this over and see if it resonates with you, it did for me.

    Keep smilin’

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