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  • Probiotics and Why You Should Take Them

    Essential to digestive health is taking a whole food probiotic. Healthy bacteria found in organically grown fruits and vegetables and in raw fermented foods are often missing from the modern American diet. These bacteria helped colonize the gut with beneficial flora whenever people ate raw fruits and vegetables or through the traditional way of preparing foods through fermentation. The average American is greatly lacking in these kinds of foods, not to mention the use of antibiotics even once in life creates the need for a good probiotic to rebuild the gut flora.

    Probiotics enhance the immune system and detoxify the colon for anyone but especially for those who suffer from digestive disorders. Additionally probiotics help to maintain a healthy gut microbial environment, increase the body’s natural absorption of calcium and magnesium, improve overall nutrient absorption and digestion as a whole and promote normal and healthy bowel regularity and consistency.

    Lacto-fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut and kombucha also provided healthy bacteria in traditional diets and these should be part of the diet of any person suffering from digestive problems. But probiotic can help “jump start” the system in those with serious digestive problems as they will quickly populate the gut with beneficial organisms. When choosing a probiotic make sure it contains both pro and pre-biotic. Be mindful that if you overuse probiotics it can in turn, cause bloating and gas if you are taking too much.

    Andréa Evans, MSACN, CHC, AADP
    Clinical Nutritionist, Applied Kinesiologist, Holistic Health Counselor
    Gateway Nutrition and Fitness @ East Side Wellness Center
    625 Ayrault Road
    Fairport, NY 14450

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