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  • Halloween Birthdays

    I’m reflecting back to last year’s picture here. I ended up writing about perception then and instead of re-sending the same article, here’s what came out this year!shutterstock_214805170_halloween_resize

    Do you know anyone personally that was born on Halloween? I do! For some reason, when I became acquainted with this person, Halloween took on a whole new meaning. It wasn’t about how much candy we could grab or how many kids we could scare. It became a Holiday for real!

    Every year since then, a birthday Halloween party has taken place. Costumes are always optional, but became the norm. The results of this change, adults and kids go trick or treating together! As the kids got older, we were blessed to live in a neighborhood that consolidates the celebration over two streets. Anyone can go up , walk around and take part in the atmosphere. Adults dress up as much as the kids do, you should see the faces of the kids when they walk around up there! Priceless. Firetrucks and Police come around to hand out candy and stickers. So many costumes to see!

    We all come home to sing Happy Birthday, have some cake (usually Pineapple upside down) and party a few more hours.

    If you don’t know anyone personally that celebrates their birthday on the 31st, pretend! If that’s not your thing, find out where your neighborhood celebrations are held and soak it in.

    It makes the evening so much more fun when you have a common purpose for the evening. It makes this Holiday an actual holiday instead of sitting it out and only handing out candy. ( or banana ghosts and clementine pumpkins)

    While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that scenario, especially if you never get a break, it couldn’t hurt to try something new!

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